
Bruno Mendes de Moraes Renaux


Academic Background

  • Specialization in business by Fundação Dom Cabral (2017);
  • LL-M in Corporate Law by Instituto Brasileiro de Mercado de Capitais – IBMEC” (2012);
  • Graduated in Law by Pontifício Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro – “PUC/RJ” (2006).
  • Before joining Sacha Calmon Misabel Derzi – Consultores e Advogados in 2019, has workedsince 2002 for 3 (three) of the largest brazilian law firms (Pinheiro Neto Advogados, Machado Meyer and Tauil & Chequer in Association with Mayer Brown LLP) in tax litigation practice in Rio de Janeiro, with emphasis on O&G industry. Participation in industry-related issues, representing E&P’s and services providers companies in administrative/judicial matters regarding special customs regimes (REPETRO and others), the contractual structure created by Petrobras (contracts split) and others.
  • Author of legal articles;
  • Member of the Tax Council of Rio de Janeiro’s Industries Federation – “FIRJAN”, since 2014;
  • In house trainings of accounting ,finance and oral presentations;
  • Leadership in law firms by NYU (2017).